LZ Summit Verpackung & Nachhaltigkeit


Jan ‘t Hart

Sr. Consultant
Hart Consulting
Project Manager HOLY GRAIL 2.0
International Brand Association (AIM)

Telephone: +31611626285
Email: t.hart.j.a@gmail.com

Educational background: Chemical Engineering and Marketing.

  • Since March 2021, independent consultant.
  • Started with supporting the business development Work Package 4, in the AIM Holy Grail 2.0 project
  • Since December 2022 project leader of the Holy Grail 2.0 project.
  • Since 1 January 2023 Technical Advisor in Working Group on innovation and technology assessment for the 4EverGreen project of CEPI
  • 32 Years with AveryDennison.
  • Last role in AveryDennison from 2018- November 2020 responsible for Innovation, Sustainability and Compliance in the Marketing department

Further history

  • Started in 1988 in the Avery Dennison Automotive Division as Technical Director based in the Netherlands and the UK.
  • In 1996 became business development manager resp product manager establishing the filmic product range.
  • Leading the Paper/VI and Films prime label product management team 2001-2006
  • Took responsibility as Business Director for the European Durables respectively the Global Pharma business between 2007 and 2011
  • Director of the Paper and Variable Printing product management team 2012- 2015
  • Moved to Shanghai. 2016+2017: Run the Marketing Department and Durable business team for China, South Korea and Japan. Lead the Chinese Product Management organization for the labels business in that region